Memorial Day marks the beginning of National Tire Safety Week. Each year this week is designed to remind passenger car drivers and owners to ensure their tires are in superb shape for the summer road trip reason. This is also a great time to remind truckers during their peak hauling season to be more aware of their tire conditions and to go over some preventive measures to ensure that they stay on track for their extended load traveling.
Every day of the year, long haul trucks run the equivalent of an average family’s ‘Big Summer Road Trip’ and as we all know, tire maintenance isn’t one of the trucking industry’s strongest suits. Even if time is tight, remember that consistent and thorough tire inspections take less time than the service call required to repair the tire.
Why Regular Tire Inspections & Rotations Matter
Following is a list of items that should be checked on a regular basis to ensure proper tire maintenance.
- Check tire inflation pressure at each wheel position
- Check for uneven wear due to mechanical deficiency.
- Check tread conditions including tread depth, signs of uneven wear, and damage such as flat spotting, cuts, penetrations, etc.
- Start making plans to replace tires that are close to minimum tread depths.
- And most importantly, don’t forget to check the lubricant level in the wheel hubs and look for signs of leaking.
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